Keeping Your Appliances Safe!

by | Mar 24, 2017 | Blog

tumble dryers being recalled and replacements offered because of the risk of them catching fire.

Unfortunately it is not just tumble dryers as all white goods and many other appliances can be fire hazards.  Here are four simple steps you can take to make your home a little bit more safe and secure.

1.    Don’t leave appliances running unattended.  Now I know it is not possible to watch over every single appliance while it is in use.  However, a little common sense goes a long way.  It really isn’t a good idea to start the washing machine, dishwasher or tumble dryer and then go out to work or shopping.  And it is not wise to let them run while you are in bed overnight either.

2.    Read the manual.  Boring I know, but it is important to know how to use your appliance safely.  User misuse and ignoring manufacturer’s warnings are major factors in many fires caused by appliances.

3.    Have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.  I realise smoke detectors can be a problem in a kitchen but do considering placing them near your white goods.  Having a small fire extinguisher handy that is suitable for dealing with electrical fires is another useful precaution.

4.    Register your appliances.  Registering your appliance with the manufacturer is vital these days as it allows them to notify you of any safety issues that they become aware of.  In fact, it is worthwhile registering to get regular safety updates too.

So don’t have nightmares but do think carefully about the safety of your white goods and a serious incident may be avoided.

For repairs, sales, service and spares for all your white goods throughout Gloucestershire, contact the friendly team at Power Point on 01452 730874 or visit our website