Storing Food Safely in a Fridge

by | Nov 16, 2017 | Blog

basics of safely storing food in a fridge or freezer.

One of the worst things we can do is throw out food because it has gone off.  It is bad for the environment and a waste of your money.  Sensible storage can cut down this food waste dramatically.

First things first.  Always wash your hands before handling food, whether it is cooking or putting away.  Most fridges have a meat locker at the bottom of the fridge.  Use this to store raw meat, poultry and fish away from other foods so they can’t be contaminated.

Make sure that the temperature of your fridge is 40 degrees F or cooler and that your freezer is 0 degrees F.

Storing Leftovers – perishable foods should be frozen or refrigerated within two hours.  As a general guide, leftovers should be eaten within four days.

Store any food in tight-fitting, shallow containers.  Glass has the advantage of being easy to check the contents and may also be microwaveable.

Storing Fruit & Veg – some items are not suitable for storing in a fridge as they can give off ethylene gas which can cause other vegetables to spoil prematurely.  These items should not be in your fridge – avocados, bananas, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums and tomatoes. Beware of storing fruit and vegetables in air-tight bags as this can speed up the decay process.

Freezing Foods – food to be frozen should be kept in air-tight packages.  Clearly label your foods and add the date.  Preferably store in portion sizes so they can be easily reheated.