Keep Your Oven Racks Clean!

by | Aug 24, 2017 | Blog

needs to be done.

Here are some simple and practical ways of dealing with the chore.

•    Dryer Sheets & Dishwashing Liquid – Line your bath carefully with dryer sheets and put the oven racks on top of them.  Then fill the bath with enough warm water to cover the racks and add half a cup of dishwashing liquid.  Allow to soak overnight and drain in the morning, wiping the racks clean with the dryer cloths.  The bath can then be easily rinsed clean.

•    Baking Soda & Vinegar – Place the racks in the bath without any water in it.  Sprinkle baking soda over them and then pour on the vinegar.  There should be plenty of foaming, which is normal.  When the foaming stops run enough hot water in the bath to cover the racks.  Let them sit overnight and rub clean the following morning with any old cloth.  Rinse thoroughly before replacing the racks in the oven.

•    Dishwasher Soap Bath – Once again, you will be using your bathtub.  This time line it with some old towels and carefully place the racks on them. Pour in enough hot water to cover the racks.  Add a cup of dishwasher granules and leave to soak overnight.  Rinse in the morning and wipe clean with a cloth.

•    Commercial Cleaning Products – nearly all commercial cleaning products produce toxic fumes so make sure to clean the racks outdoors.  Lay down some old newspapers or similar and place the racks on top.  Put on some protective rubber gloves and spray the racks on both sides.  Leave to sit for at least ten minutes and then scrub with an old cloth or rag.  Rinse thoroughly before replacing the racks in the oven.