So we Sent the Team on a Course …

by | May 19, 2017 | Blog


We were pleased to support the latest James Hopkins Trust Charity Golf Day and, although our team didn’t win, we had a marvellous day out mixing with other Gloucester business people.

The event was held at the magnificent Tewkesbury Park Golf and Country Club.  Starting the day with bacon butties, we set to on the impressive 6,500 yard par 72 course.  I reckon our lads deserved their carvery after spending the day battling through woods and avoiding the water hazards.

The James Hopkins Trust is a Gloucester based charity set up in 1989 to care for babies and children under 5 who have life limiting or life threatening conditions.  At present they are supporting 90 children and their families and have helped over 500 children since the charity’s formation.

I am very pleased to say that the day raised just under £10,000 for this fantastic cause.  Our team photo features (left to right) Mike Dowdeswell, Josh Fivash, Paul Fivash & Martin Lea.

You can find out more about the James Hopkins Trust here: